Random Questions - MBA Edition

So I have been receiving a lot of questions regarding MBA in my inbox. Most of the questions are pretty much the same. Most people ask me the same questions all over again. Probably that's the things that they wanted to know. So I feel wanted to post it here which might help you guys because you may want to ask this too. I hope this helps. Because this the least I can do for you guys.

First of all, I will try my best to answer them all. Im sorry if Im not answering your questions and might be out of topic sometimes. 

Basically I will put few frequently asked questions here. If what you want is not here, feel free to leave the comment to ask.

So let's get started...

1. I have a Bachelor Degree in XXXX (or any other Degree other than business background) and I feel like I am one of the just average student, do you think I can ace in Master? I'm not underestimating myself but I'm just worried it will be too tough and I can't cope with it.

Ans= I also not a business background student. I took Bachelor in Science Biology for my degree. If I can do it, you also can, my dear. Statistics is not an easy course. So you may not have a problem with simple calculation subjects such as managerial statistics, finance and accounting, but you may need to put an extra effort in relating the numbers with business case. It's like, you have to be a lil bit more creative in answering case studies. It's okay, you definitely can do that! For me the hardest subject is strategic management. It was very hard to score because it isn't just a theory. I think theory only covers 20%. The rest 80% is to test our critical thinking. The lecturers for this subject is also very strict. The other subjects like marketing, economy, human resource management, and operation management are easier. They are 50% theory and 50% critical thinking. Critical thinking such as case study. My advice for you is to focus more on ABR (applied business research). You have to find a good partner, because doing proposal and thesis for MBA in UiTM is very challenging. Because we need a real company to collaborate with. Other than that, everything will be okay. I know you can do this. For me, degree life is more tough and challenging.

2. How about the class schedule during the week? I will be back and forth from Selayang to Shah Alam. Do you guys usually stay up late from the beginning till the end? Do lecturers take time on the weekends as well? Or you have free time on the weekends?

Ans= Normally there will be no class on Friday. Most of the lecturers will only make classes on Monday-Wednesday OR Tuesday-Thursday. Most of them are like that. There will be some changes if they have something important coming up, because there are not just do the lectures. Most of them hold an important post in UiTM too. But they always tell you guys earlier. And there will be no class during weekend. The class only takes 3-4 hours. Max 5 hrs, but it's very seldom to happen (still depending on the lecturers). Lecturers are not bothering us on weekend. No worries! Weekend is time to do our assignments and do the discussion haha. Im so lucky because my classmates love to have a group discussion. So it helps a lot in this journey. I have classmates that back and forth from Nilai to Shah Alam for every classes. I also got friend from Selayang - Shah Alam for her master class. And they made it! So do you. Don't worry ok :)

3. I read from your blog, it is really only 1 subject every month? For all 3 semesters? 

Ans= Oh about that, I think you can just ignore the info. Because that's the modular system. My batch is the last batch with this modular program. Modular means we will have 1 subject every month, which is more tough than the semester system. There will be no semester break for the modular system. We just don't stop until 1 year. We have 12 subjects to be completed in 1 year. And another 2 subjects are proposal and thesis, which are on going through out the year. Tough here means, week 1, you already have lectures and quiz. Week 2 lectures, assignments and test. Week 3 more assignments and presentations. Week 4 assignments, presentations and final assessments. And then come the new month, so new subject will be started. And the cycle goes continuously. It's super tired bcs we don't have a break, at all. And then, we heard from the office that the next batch of students will have a semester system. No more modular system. Semester system means you will have 3 systems for this course. 1 semester maybe covers like 4 subjects. And it just a normal system like our degree. The mid sem break, semester break, and everything will just be the same like degree students. So just ignore about my post regarding 1 month = 1 subject. The semester system will be easier for you to plan and more organized. Trust me, modular system just messed up. So many disadvantages from advantages. 

4. Per semester is 6 months? How long is the gap to the following semester? 

Ans= Your break and so on will be exactly the same like degree students. You will receive a timetable for the whole semester. Faculty will give it to you during the registration day. So don't worry.

5. How is the lecturers in AAGBS? Are they friendly and helpful? Or are they that scary? (I'm curious 😂)

Ans= In average, they are all okay. Just nasib nasib lah kalau dapat yang over garang and cerewet tu. For MBA AA700, there will have few different groups of students, which is Group A, B, C and D. You will be given your group by the coordinator later. Each group will be having different lecturer for each subject. Unless kalau subject tu memang kekurangan lecturer, so maybe akan dapat lecturer yang sama dengan group lain. So it is really nasib. I always doa everytime before masuk bulan baru, before start new subjects tu. Risau dapat lecturer yang tak memahami and terlebih cerewet ni. Bcs it affects our marks. So pray hard! 

6. Is it really every subject have 4 projects? How many times do you need to do presentations? How about the quizzes & tests?

Ans= The projects, assignments and presentations varies from each subject. But minimum is two presentations. Individual and group presentation. There is also subjects that have more than 2 presentations. Quizzes usually 2-3, test 1-2 and 1 final assessment. I think it will be more or less the same like degree one. But it all depends on lecturers. Seriously. Sometimes, subject tu sama, tapi lain lecturer lain cara pemarkahan dia. But these all happened during my time. Im sorry if now diorang dah tukar cara ke apa apa ke. Some subjects we need to conduct a project. Like during my time, for organizational behavior subject, we did an activity at Rumah anak yatim and bring them to visit Bank Negara Musuem and did few activites there. For HRM subject, we conduct an Iftar program and invited dean of the faculty and also industry people to give a talk after Iftar. For global business issue subject, we did an industrial visit to Melaka, where we visited few factories and Melaka FAMA for academic session, visited industri kecil and sederhana group, visited those people yang start up a business. Like during our time, we visited those who open steamboat restaurant, kedai kasut and and few other things. We also did the CSR activity with Melaka city council. And few more activities I can't remember now. So basically not all subjects need to conduct these kind of projects. 

7. Will you share with me the suggested books, notes & past years or questions for all the subject thru out MBA? 

Ans= Actually for the books and notes, it depends on your lecturers. So the lecturers will request you on what book to buy, and what notes you need to find. They sometimes give us notes too. There is no past year questions for the MBA program. Never had a past year before haha. What your lectures teach you in a class, that's what will come out on your final assessment. It's not that I don't wanna help you ya, hope you understand me. Hehe.

So I think that's all from me. I hope these are enough to kill your curiosity. All the best in your MBA journey! Do not worry too much because everything will be fine. One important tips I can share with you guys is that, please have a good group members that will cooperate with all the tasks and projects given. This is very very VERY critical for your research and assignments.

Orang boleh quit MBA, bergaduh dengan kawan kawan, jatuh sakit, menghilangkan diri, dan macam macam lagi, all due to stress. Semuanya juga disebabkan salah pilih team. So choose your team wisely because it really affects you and your works. It happened in every batch. It happened to me too. Take my advice, do not be too soft to those whore are not cooperate and not being responsible with their job. Do not repeat the same mistakes I did previously; BAGI MUKA sangat. At the end of the day, you are the one who will hurt, a lot. Anyway, study smart, work smart and pray hard. May Allah ease everything for you guys. 

Till next post ya. Thanks for reading. Assalamualaikum. 



  1. Hi, I cannot thank you enough for sharing this, it's very enlightening. Like the others, I really want to study MBA at UiTM. My main question is about textbooks and notes but you answered in this post already. I do worry about getting people who are not cooperative in my group though. I guess we must always put a deadline on delegated work to ensure each student do and submit their work on time.


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