Pengalaman Bersalin C-zer Musim PKP 2021 di Hospital Shah Alam

Pengalaman Bersalin C-zer Musim PKP 2021 di Hospital Shah Alam

Assalamualaikum semua. Lama betul tak update blog. Last update adalah tahun 2019. Sekarang dah December 2021, nak masuk 2022 dah hahaha. Last update masa tu single, sekarang dah jadi mak orang. Alhamdulillah. Sepatutnya nak share more on preparation kahwin di musim covid and PKP, share pregnancy journey, preparation bersalin and so on, tapi kita skip terus ke pengalaman bersalin

Purchase with Klook Malaysia and Wonderfly Asia: Waterpark Edition

Purchase with Klook Malaysia and Wonderfly Asia: Waterpark Edition

It’s been a long time since my last day went to the lost world of Tambun ni. Lama gila dah yang banyak beza sangat dulu dengan sekarang. Walaupun kampung I dekat gila 5 minit je dengan water park tu tapi tak pernah teringin nak singgah. Even Sunway Lagoon pun it’s been years kot tak pergi. Tak minat dah

Musim Kahwin

Musim Kahwin

Assalamualaikum and hai to all my readers! It’s been a long time since my last update. Because I have no time to open the laptop and starting to write. Ya Allah, sekarang ni musim kahwin kan? I mean, if you are around 25 years old, you can relate to this! Now tengah musim kahwin for my age because

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - What is That?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - What is That?

Oh the title.... Do you guys know what irritable bowel syndrome is all about? Let just short-form it, IBS. So what is IBS? According to the info I found on the website, IBS is a common disorder that affects the large intestine. Signs and symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipation, or both. IBS

Secured a Job!!!

Secured a Job!!!

Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah, that give me Rezeki. Alhamdullilah I finally got hired! Satu azam untuk tahun 2019 dah terlaksana. Didn't expect it was this fast. Thank you Allah. I will be report my duty on 11th February. It is three weeks from now! I am so excited and nervous at the same time since this my

Random Questions - MBA Edition

Random Questions - MBA Edition

So I have been receiving a lot of questions regarding MBA in my inbox. Most of the questions are pretty much the same. Most people ask me the same questions all over again. Probably that's the things that they wanted to know. So I feel wanted to post it here which might help you guys because you may

Cakenis is my new FAVOURITE

Cakenis is my new FAVOURITE

Recently I purchased one tudung brand by Hanis Zalikha which is Cakenis. Im aware that Hanis has few businesses and one of them is hijab brand but never crossed my mind and I never had intention to buy the tudung ever. Because I think they just sell an ordinary shawl that is so common in the market. Nothing
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