Yeayyy my pink box has safely arrived! Although it is not the month of October and I only buy two things, FashionValet still give me the pink box! Didn't expecting that at all. The box is cute I loveeee to keep it. Plus its pink! My favourite colour Image from Vivy Yusof instagram Image from Vivy Yusof instagram
Honest Review: Telekung Siti Khadijah (SK) Go Shop
Honest Review: Telekung Siti Khadijah (SK) Go Shop
By Gen Y girl
Assalamualaikum. Its been a long time since my last entry. Because this new semester tersangat lah busy sampai I don't have ample time to update my blog. Padahal baru 2 subjek tapi busy dia macam apa. Later on my next next entry I will update about these two subjects yang I dah ambik for the second semester which
End of Semester 1 of MBA
It's a little bit late actually cause my first semester ended on 30th August (about two weeks late). But nevermind I still want to share something here. Alhamdulillah my 1st semester of master degree (MBA course) in UiTM Shah Alam went well. I couldn't be happier. Alhamdulillah my 1st semester in faculty of Arshad Ayub Graduate Business School
UiTM Postgraduate Registration (faculty: AAGBS)
UiTM Postgraduate Registration (faculty: AAGBS)
By Gen Y girl
A little throwback masa registration day for my current enrollment; MBA. Kenapa buat throwback ni? Sebab tengok ramai student baru masuk around the campus so tetiba terasa nak flashback some memories during my registration day. Hehe. So here I am nak story sikit pasal how do we do for registration in UiTM (to be specific for postgraduate UiTM
Classmate's Wedding
Classmate's Wedding
By Gen Y girl
This post has been in draft for ages kot haha. Nak update dari hari ke hari tapi terlupa. Alhamdulillah another one classmate has got married. Classmate MBA. Almost 3 weeks juga lah she's been married. But because of I am so busy with assignments, proposal and so on, so hold dulu post ni. The purpose of this post
Honest Review: dUCkcosmetics
Honest Review: dUCkcosmetics
By Gen Y girl
dUCk now dah release their own brand cosmetics. Im not really excited at first because Im not into makeup. But I really wanted to know how the quality is and I want to do the swatches. Lol takde kerja. No, actually I saja nak tengok and rasa texture and best ke tak bila apply. Nak rasa sendiri. Before
Honest Review: Daiso Makeup Brush Cleaner
Honest Review: Daiso Makeup Brush Cleaner
By Gen Y girl
I have been looking for a makeup brush cleanser/cleaner that is affordable and reasonable, and good too. Then I found Daiso punya makeup brush cleaner! So in this entry, I would like to give my honest review about this brush cleaner. Before tu I ada lah jumpa beberapa brush cleanser dekat IG, banyak juga lah. But for me,
How to be strong?
Was writing up my proposal that the deadline is next week Suddenly I feel like crying I stopped for awhile and log in to this blog..... ******************************************************************************* The biggest challenge I ever had so far is about writing up the proposal So stressful, so tough to deal with all the things related with proposal I was just motivated
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